Legend 36EXT
Home / Laser Machines / Legend 36EXT
What type of power cord do I need to run on 220VAC?
220V power cord information.
My engraving is drifting across the page and looks wavy. What is happening?
X-Axis encoder strip cleaning procedure for 36EXT, Mini, Helix, and FiberMark.
How do I install the encoder strip in my 36EXT?
Instructions on installing an encoder strip on the 36EXT machine.
How do I align the laser in my 36EXT?
Laser alignment instructions for the 36EXT.
How do I replace the X-axis belt on my 36EXT?
Instructions for replacing the X-axis belt on a 36EXT
How do I install the X-Axis flex cable on my 36EXT?
Instructions for installing the 36EXT X-Axis flex cable
How do I make a non-italic typeface/font appear italicized?
How to make a non-italic typeface/font appear italicized.