Legacy Systems
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When and how do I use the bottom-up engraving option that I see in the print driver?
How to use the bottom-up engraving option.
How can I use the Center-Center option in the print driver for easy positining of my engraving?
How to use the center-center engraving option.
How can I combine shapes using the weld tool in Corel?
How to combine shapes using the weld tool in CorelDRAW.
How do I identifiy a font in a document a customer sends me?
How to use What the Font to identify fonts.
How do I set up the TCP/IP Port settings on my computer?
Instructions for setting up your TCP/IP port on a Windows 10 computer.
How do I install the Legacy drivers on Windows 11?
How to install the legacy drivers on Windows 11.
How can I setup my Epilog Laser system as a wireless printer using a router?
How to connect the Epilog engraver using a router.
What is the difference between a YAG and CO2 laser?
Comparison between YAG and CO2 lasers.